Berg Precision Publishing

Textbooks on mechanical design


Design Concepts and Strategies for Precision Engineering

“Design Concepts and Strategies for Precision Engineering”
(ISBN: 978-90-829711-2-5), is now for sale on

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Revised 2nd edition (2023 and 2024)
ISBN: 978-90-829711-2-5


2nd edition (April 2021)
ISBN: 978-90-829711-2-5

1st edition (July 2020)
ISBN: 978-90-829711-1-8

Design Concepts for Precision Engineering, Volume I and II

“Design Concepts for Precision Engineering, Volume I” (ISBN: 978-90-829711-0-1) and / or “Design Concepts for Precision Engineering, Volume II” (no ISBN), are no longer available.

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